Contest rules

Only individuals can register with a costume from films, series, games, books or anime. OC (original characters) costumes are allowed if there’s some real valid source (for example Zach Fisher Art).

You have to be at least 15 years old (until 18 years of age you have to provide the written consent of your legal representative).

You can register only via online form, before the contest (it will be possible from Feb 15 to Mar 7, 2024).

It is necessary to provide a link to download the edited audio and video tracks to the competitors. E.g. links to Youtube files WE DO NOT ACCEPT. If the edited audio and video track is not delivered by the deadline, the generic track selected by us will be used for performance. Maximum length of the skit/track is 90 seconds.

This year you must make a short introduction video of max. length of 30 seconds.

You also must provide the short cosplay bio and some presentable photo of you (doesn’t have to be you in costume you compete in). The bio is few sentences long text introducing your cosplay work, your interests and experience with cosplay. You can also list cosplay awards you got. The maximum length is 10 sentences.
Example: “Hello, my name is Aki. I am cosplaying for 5 years. I like to make costumes and learn new techniques with each new piece. I love sewing and foam crafting. I like wearing costumes at the events and taking photos in them. I began competing at foreign competitions abroad, but I’d like to try to compete also here in the Czech Republic.”

In case your form is not filled properly, you may not be admitted as contestant. You must submit everything required in the form. The contestants are selected by our org judges based on these criteria: presentability of the costume (the photo of the costume on the hanging rack is not very presentable), the completeness of the costume, the completeness of the files provided in the form until Mar 7, 2024.

Selected contestants will be contacted via email to let them know the date until which they need to provide some additional info (skit script, lightning requests, props) and the photo of the finished costume.

Latest Mar 12, 2024 organizers will inform every registered contestant about the status of his/her application and if they were selected to compete on stage. All registered costumes will be prejudged before they will be allowed to compete at Comic-Con Prague. There is only limited number of contestants (12) allowed.

Contestants whose costume was awarded/did place in some other cosplay contest may not be allowed to compete.

In case some unexpected circumstances appear which will prevent the contestant to take part in the contest, he/she has to report them as soon as possible preferably in written form to email, 24 hours before the contest the latest.

The contest consists of two parts/rounds:

Prejudging – 10 minutes long presentation of costume and how it is made. The exact time of prejudging will be announced to the contestants latest Mar 31, 2024 via email.

On stage performance – performance/presentation/roleplay presented on stage to judges and audience.

Contestants have maximally 90 seconds for their performance.

Contestant can have one assistant/sidekick during performance. He cannot be on stage.

There will be 3 judges judging the contestants. The judges are selected by organizers.

Three aspects of costume will be judged: accuracy of the costume in relation to the source character, the quality of the costume, craftsmanship and used techniques, and performance/presentation/roleplay on stage. In the overall score these three aspects will be taken in the account in the following percentage: 40% accuracy, 40% craftsmanship, 20% performance.

Self-made costumes tend to get better scores from the judges. If the organizers suspect the costume is fully bought (boots, contact lenses and wigs excluded) or the contestant is lying about how it was made (you should provide evidence how it was made), the orgs can disqualify the contestant.

Based on judges’ decision there will be three awards given for the best costume, second best costume and third best costume. Based on audience votes the audience award will be given to the contestant with highest number of votes.

Costume and the performance cannot contain dangerous and messy stuff like guns, swords, daggers, crossbows, bows and confetti, glitter, fake blood, coloured liquids, open fire, excessive smoke etc. The costume can’t be offensive (we do not allow nude costumes – lingerie only, or costumes with offensive symbols and symbols instigating hatred).

Contestant will not get a microphone for his performance. All voice and sound must be part of sound file submitted.

Organizers will not provide any props like tables, stools, chairs etc. Every prop must be contestant’s and their installation and deinstallation can’t take more than 30 seconds on stage. The number of allowed props is 3.

Contestant must be able to move in narrow spaces, climb the stairs and slopes in the costume. It’s not possible to dress up parts of costume on stage (except its part of the performance).

There will be technical rehearsal planned, but there will be only one date and time. If the contestant can’t make it, s/he will have to perform without it.

For breaking the rules, inappropriate behavior, or disturbance and harassment the contestant can be expelled from the contest and matter can be handed over to convention organizers.